Write 31 Days 2018



As October approaches, the thoughts of many bloggers turn to Write 31 Days.

If you haven’t come across it before, it is a writing challenge where bloggers are encouraged to select a single topic and write about it every day of October.

It is intense (though writing ahead of time is allowed) but it is lots of fun, and a great way to connect with other bloggers.

I have loved taking part in it the last few years so a couple of months ago I began thinking about what I might do this year.

I toyed with a couple of ideas and went as far as drafting out a list of posts for one of them, but I wasn’t completely happy with any of my ideas.

As I thought about it, I eventually realised what the problem was: my Write 31 Days series from last year went too well!

My 31 Days of Kintsugi series is my favourite thing I’ve ever written and I knew that nothing I could write this year would top it.  I took on writing it last year in the middle of an incredibly busy time, and yet I finished the month energised and enthused to continue.  I wanted to write more on the topic, and yet I had no idea how to go about it… until now.

I have an idea. It’s still in the very early stages, and I don’t know whether or not it will go anywhere, but it excites me enough to think it’s worth a shot.  It’s worth devoting some time and energy to see what comes of it.

This has led me to the decision that for the 31 days of October, instead of posting every day, I am going to be taking a step back from blogging.  It definitely won’t be a break from writing, but I just need to write elsewhere for a while and create a bit of space to think.

I won’t be gone from here completely.  I will have a couple of book review posts in October and I may choose to take part in Five Minute Friday some weeks, but I won’t be participating every week or doing my regular Monday posts.  I will also not be visiting other blogs as often as usual, though I hope to drop in from time to time.

I hope you have a great October and that those of you who are participating in Write 31 Days find it a helpful exercise.

I plan to be back posting more regularly here in November.  In the meantime, if you’re looking for something to read, you can find the Kintsugi series here.

.Inspire Me Monday

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heart encouragement


32 thoughts on “Write 31 Days 2018

  1. Lesley, thank you for your example of listening to your own heart and need to step back for a while, and I trust that you will find God meeting you in this time of stewarding your words in different ways.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Lesley, I thought of you this morning when I was reading Psalm 31:8 … “You have set my feet in a spacious place.” So of course I had to smile when I saw I was linked up next to you at Purposeful Faith today. 🙂 It was fun to read about what your series from last year means to you … I love when I can look back at things I’ve written and have those same thoughts. I hope that your October “break” is relaxing and productive in its own way.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. What a coincidence! I’ll need to go back and read Psalm 31. It’s Psalm 18 that the blog name came from but I know a spacious place is mentioned a few other times in the Bible too so I’ll have to refresh my memory on that one! Hope October I good for you too, Lois!


  3. Your Kintsugi series still leaves a warm spot in my heart, Lesley. You write from a deep place of understanding brokenness and how God can turn it into beauty. But all your posts are so hope-filled. I just included your Thirteen Reasons for Hope at my monthly roundup and on my Hope Harbor page. I hope you have a restful, renewing, rejuvenating October break! Love and hugs to you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Trudy! It encourages me a lot that you find hope in my posts! I feel the same about yours and I really appreciate you sharing my post in your monthly round-up. Love and hugs to you!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Lesley, I enjoy visiting often, and I’m so thankful for the rich truth you bring to life in this place! I pray for a blessed season of rest as you take a break. I pray the Lord meets you in this place in all the very best ways!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Dear Lesley, I just love this post! And I well remember your 31 Days series last year. I love that you’ve chosen to refocus, to rest, to recalibrate, and maybe turn to something new.

    I loved the years I did 31 Days, but finally, enough was enough. The joy got siphoned off by exhaustion and a distinct lack of connection. But it was good while it lasted …

    I’m all about taking the pressure off to perform. I’m resonating with you again today …

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Linda! The pressure to perform can definitely steal our joy. I loved 31 Days last year and found it energising, but I think this year it would have become draining. Plus, I’m excited to have some time and space to focus on writing in a different way!


  6. I loved your Write 31 days series from last year and it would be hard to top. However, I love how you are listening well and choosing to follow God’s lead into exploring something new and exciting. I will be waiting here for you when you come back. In the meantime I will be praying for your new writing ventures and wherever God is leading you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Tara! Yes you can still take part in the 31 Days challenge. There are a few ways- you can do it on social media instead of on a blog (there’s a place to link up on the Write 31 Days site here: http://write31days.com/2018/08/social-media/ ), or you could start a blog for free at wordpress.com- there are templates you can choose from so it’s not too complicated to get started. I knew nothing about blogging when I began and I just experimented and gradually figured it out. Of course you could also take part in the challenge just for yourself, without sharing it, just by writing in a notebook or on your computer.
      Hope that helps! Let me know if you decide to do it and share on a blog or social media- I’d love to read some of your posts!


      1. I am going to do the writing challenge for my self this time. I am going to write about clinging to Jesus Not the World. I am also think about starting a blog and naming it Clinging to God and not things of the world and living life simple
        I will share some of my writing about Clinging to Jesus and not the world if you email me so I know how to get in touch with you. Please answer soon .


      2. How can I  share some things I wrote. And how can I get to the place to share it. I will be waiting to hear from you. Please answer soon.Tara  Horsley. 

        Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device


  7. I too hope you enjoy your break. I will be praying that it will be a productive one for you. Thanks for sharing on the #LMMLinkup this week.

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