A Path No-one Knew Was There

linking with Five Minute Friday at katemotaung.com
Write for five minutes on a given prompt, which today is “path”

"Your road led through the sea, your pathway through the mighty waters- a pathway no-one knew was there!" Psalm 77:19

For a while now I’ve been praying for wisdom.  There’s a path I feel God has been calling me to, but I have been uncertain about how to get onto that path, or where it is going to lead.  (I apologise now that I am going to be annoyingly vague about the path I’m referring to.)

Psalm 25v4-5

Over the last few weeks, I’m realising that sometimes God opens up the path in unexpected ways, as things have moved forward, but not in the direction I would have expected.

But then, God is an expert at opening up paths in the most unexpected places, even when it seems impossible- like the Israelites at the Red Sea:

“Your road led through the sea, your pathway through the mighty waters- a pathway no-one knew was there!”  (Psalm 77:19)

Now it seems like the path is opening up in another unexpected direction.

I think it’s a path anyway… It could be a dead end, but there’s only one way to find out.

God opens up the path, but he sometimes asks us to step onto it first- to step out in faith without knowing how it is all going to work out.  At the Red Sea, Moses had to take action and raise his staff over the waters.  Later, when the Israelites were at the River Jordan, it was only as the priests stepped into the water that the river parted and the path appeared.

Sometimes we have to step out and see where the path will lead.

As I consider venturing out onto this path, this song encourages me to step out in faith:

“Speak, even if your voice is trembling,
Please, you’ve been quiet for so long.
Believe- it’ll be worth the risk you’re taking.
You’re afraid, but you can hear adventure calling.
There’s a rush of adrenaline to your bones.
What you make of this moment changes everything.

What if the path you choose becomes a road?
What if the ground you take becomes your home?”

On the subject of songs that inspire and encourage, I am planning a series for Write 31 Days in October, looking at how God speaks through songs and uses them to build our faith.

Over the 31 days, I am planning to share some of my own stories of songs that have impacted me, and also to share some of the background stories to songs being written, but I would love to share some of your stories too, of songs that God has used to speak to you, encourage you or comfort you in a particular situation.

If you have a song or hymn that has meant something special to you and you would like to share your story here, I would love to invite you to write a guest post for this series.  If you are interested, please send me an email at lifeinthespaciousplace@yahoo.com by Sunday 11th September letting me know which song you’d like to write about, and I will send you more details.  (You don’t have to have the post written by then, but I will be looking for them to be completed by the last week in September so that I can work out the best order for the series.)

 Crystal Twaddell  V2 300px_Glimpses Word-of-God-Speak


17 thoughts on “A Path No-one Knew Was There

  1. I liked the song and am sitting here wondering what the lyricist means by “what if the path becomes a road”. If it becomes a road is it a road because it is well traveled by others? Or does it become a road because it we end up spending a lot of our life there? Just thinking….

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is an interesting lyric. I’m thinking of it as one person forging a path and then it being well travelled by others, but I think it could be taken different ways. I’m not sure what the writer intended.


    2. Or else, as you go further along the path it widens out to become a road and is more significant than it looked to start with… You’re making me think now! 🙂


  2. THIS: “But then, God is an expert at opening up paths in the most unexpected places, even when it seems impossible- like the Israelites at the Red Sea” Praying for you friend! I’ll have to send you an email. Id love to share about a fave song. I’m in the 40 spot this week.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. So encouraged and excited by what you share here. Stepping into fear is a big part of growing in our faith, isn’t it?! I’m learning that a lot lately.

    God is truly stunning in the amazing things He opens as we step out trusting. I’m attending a writer’s course in Geneva soon and that is an absolute and stunning miracle in my books (can email you about it)…that required me to face some extreme fear (the enemy is good at that)….and there are other steps I’m being prodded to take too…without knowing the details. God took me to the story of feeding the five thousand and all I can say is wow…my eyes were opened to see new things…blog post coming…but go have a read (John 6 and Mark 6)…I think you’ll be encouraged in the steps you’re taking.

    You encourage me here too!

    BTW I’d love to guest post for your series. I LOVE worship songs and they’ve had a powerful impact on my life. Excited to read more from you on this.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Anna. I agree, stepping out in faith despite the fear is an important part of growth as a Christian. I think it’s about learning to trust in God above our feelings and being willing to follow even when we don’t know exactly where he’s taking us. It’s scary but also exciting.
      That’s great that you’re going to a writer’s course- I’d love to hear more about it- and I love the story of the feeding of the five thousand. It’s one of those stories that I feel I know well but almost every time I read it, I get something new from it. Will have to go and read again!
      Thanks for your encouragement, and I’d love to have you write a guest post for the series.


  4. And I can’t help but wonder, is there really such a thing as the “wrong” path when we’re going it hand-in-hand with God? I’m not sure the answer to that question but it just popped into my mind!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Good question! I’m not sure about that. I think if we’re following God’s lead we’re definitely on the right path, even if it’s hard. I love that he can work good from the times when we go astray.


  5. Oh how many times have I been absolutely certain in my faith and in the ways God is leading me only to end up thinking… “but not in the direction I would have expected.”

    Peace for your discernment. FMF #72

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