Dear Younger Me… (A 31 Day Series)

Dear Younger Me...

This is the index page for my Write 31 Days series for 2019: Dear Younger Me…

Each day I will be posting a letter to my 18 year-old self, based on the writing prompts provided by 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes.

Each post will be linked to this page as it is published.

Introduction Post

Day 1: Keep Asking Why

Day 2: Use Your Gifts Well

Day 3: God Can Use Our Problems

Day 4: Listening Is Powerful

Day 5: Learn From Other Perspectives

Day 6: You Are Not Unnoticed

Day 7: Let Jesus Be Your Firm Foundation

Day 8: Don’t Give Up On Church

Day 9: Join In With God’s Work

Day 10: Don’t Let Fear Hold You Back

Day 11: Don’t Cling To Safety

Day 12: Learn To Lead Well

Day 13: Keep Reaching Out

Day 14: Find Your Voice!

Day 15: Learn To Open Up!

Day 16: Avoid Comparison!

Day 17: Be Consistent

Day 18: Get Active!

Day 19: Strength Is Found In Weakness

Day 20: Tell Your Story

Day 21: Learn From Older People

Day 22: God Will Guide You

Day 23: God Knows What You Need

Day 24: Be Different In A Good Way

Day 25: Wait On The Lord

Day 26: You Are Accepted By God

Day 27: You’re Better With God

Day 28: Life Is Not A Test

Day 29: Keep Practicing!

Day 30: Remember What God Has Done

Day 31: Enjoy Life!