When God Calls You To Leave…

This post is written to link with Five Minute Friday: write for five minutes on a one-word prompt. The prompt today is “leave.”

“The Lord said to Abram, “Leave your native country, your relatives, and your father’s family, and go to the land I will show you.”” (Genesis 12:1 NLT)

I can only imagine the courage it took for Abram to step out in obedience to God, to leave behind his home and his relatives to enter the unknown. Surely there was sadness and some degree of apprehension, but I’m guessing there was also excitement. The command came with promises of incredible blessing if Abram would only obey.

It was the same for Jesus’ first disciples:

“Jesus replied to Simon, “Don’t be afraid! From now on you’ll be fishing for people!” And as soon as they landed, they left everything and followed Jesus.” (Luke 5:10-11 NLT)

Another courageous step into the unknown, but another amazing promise of the blessing of being part of God’s work.

For us too, if we’re going to follow Jesus, there may be times when he calls us to leave, even to leave something good. That comes with its challenges, both for those leaving and those being left behind. It can be hard to leave the comfortable and familiar to step into something unknown, but I know the times I’ve done that in response to God’s leading have led to some of the greatest blessings.

It may be daunting and it may be hard, but if God is calling, we have to trust that, as C.S Lewis put it, “There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.”

15 thoughts on “When God Calls You To Leave…

  1. Sometimes it’s more appealing
    to leave than ’tis to stay,
    and our choice can be revealing
    of whom we fain obey
    in a hair-shirt Christianity
    where self-denial stands for Christ,
    and we all compete to see
    how much each sacrificed,
    but what if God is really calling
    us to what we want to do,
    not something appalling
    (like eating week-old stew),
    but a task suffused in joy,
    our best fit for His employ?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It can be uncomfortable to leave the unknown, Lesley, yet He guides us and brings forth a deeper level of trust in the journey because of our willingness to follow Him. FMF #4

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  3. I left Massachusetts to live with my son and his wife who lived in Arizona. When he took a job in San Diego, I was upset, because I loved Arizona. But as it turned out, I loved San Diego even more. Then he lost his job, and we lost our home. From there I moved to Michigan. It was originally just a visit, to visit my sister. But I stayed to live near my sister, my daughter, and my grandchildren. It was in Michigan that I met, fell in love, and married my second husband. We are very happy. I miss my friends in Massachusetts, but I am glad God called me to leave. I was happy in Arizona, and San Diego, and now in Michigan.

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  4. This story of Abraham in Genesis helped me trust God when we left Georgia last year after 34 years to live in the desert of California. We left family and friends, sold and gave away half our belongings. We packed 3 dogs and suitcases in our car and started driving west. We made it. And what a wild ride of faith this year has been 🌸

    Liked by 1 person

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