Eight Benefits Of Blogging

It’s hard to believe that this week marks the eighth anniversary of starting this blog!

I wrote on Friday about being willing to step out into the unknown in obedience to God, and when I began blogging eight years ago it certainly felt like a step of faith. I wasn’t sure what I was doing or what I hoped to achieve, and I doubted that anyone would want to read my words, but I started writing anyway, and I’m so grateful for the journey since then.

In honour of my eight years of blogging, here are some reflections on eight benefits it has brought me.

Growing in self-expression
Blogging has definitely helped me to express myself more. Sometimes it is only as I start writing that I discover what I want to say. I have found that particularly with the Five Minute Friday posts written in response to a prompt. On many occasions, I have looked at the prompt and had no idea what to write, but somehow once I begin, the words come, and a few of those posts have even become favourites.

Growing in confidence
As I said, at first I was unsure whether anyone would want to read my words. It amazed me that, even from the start, there were people who read and commented. Particularly in those early days, this really boosted my confidence and encouraged me to keep sharing.

Finding my voice
I was not expecting this as a benefit of blogging, but finding my writing voice has also helped me to find my voice in other areas of life. I know I am a very different person from when I began blogging – much more willing to speak up, to share opinions, to believe that I have something to say that is worth listening to.

Remembering what God has done
Writing helps me remember what God is doing and what he is teaching me. We see throughout the Bible that it is important for God’s people to find ways of remembering these things, and writing has been a very helpful way for me.

Pointing others to hope
If I could have stated an aim when I began blogging, this is what it would have been, and it has been such a pleasure and a privilege to be able to share hope with people. The occasions where someone has commented, saying that my words have pointed them to hope in Jesus have been some of my most treasured moments of blogging and make it all worthwhile.

Finding a wonderful community
Writing can be a very solitary activity at times, so I am very thankful for the community that I have discovered through blogging. It has been such a joy to make connections and friendships, to read others’ posts and to encourage one another. And last year, I even got to meet a blogging friend in person!

Developing skills
When I look back at my early posts, I can see that my writing has definitely developed over the years. While I have not had much time to devote to intentionally developing my writing, it has definitely happened naturally to some degree just by the practice of doing it consistently.

Discovering new opportunities
Through blogging, I’ve had the privilege of sharing my writing in other places. I love contributing regularly to Gracefully Truthful (read my favourite post here) and I have guest posted on several other blogs or websites.
I have also had pieces included in books (you can read about some of them here) and I am looking forward to sharing more soon about an Advent anthology I have been able to contribute to this year.

What about you? If you’re a blogger, what are the benefits you have found? Do you relate to any that I have shared, or do you have others to add?

Linking with: Inspire Me MondayTell His StoryInstaEncouragementsLet’s Have CoffeeTune In ThursdayGrace & Truth

23 thoughts on “Eight Benefits Of Blogging

  1. Hi Lesley,

    Well done on completing 8 years of blogging. I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your blogs, so clearly written and often full of wisdom which has helped and encouraged me at times. You’ve also made me consider starting to blog myself for the first time, especially when I read here about the benefits of blogging you’ve recognised. Keep on writing, and thanks again!


    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Lesley,
    Thanks for sharing these benefits of blogging, I would say exactly the same for myself. Writing definitely helps me clarify my thoughts and like yourself it has opened other doors for writing especially bible studies. I know I have neglected my blog in recent months, but hope to get back to it in the Autumn.
    Meanwhile, I will continue to be blessed by yours! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Congratulations on 8 years of blogging! I am continually amazed at the encouragement and community I have found through blogging. It has truly been a blessing in my life that was quite unexpected. May God continue to bless you as you write and blog!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Happy blog anniversary! I have found many of the same benefits you mention. I was especially surprised at finding such a warm and gracious writing community. And few things bless me more than hearing that God has used my writing in someone’s life. May you have many more blogging years to come!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. i just love these kind of posts, Lesley, honoring all the joys and benefits of blogging and the community of support and encouragement they have given us along the way. congrats on the milestone! i’m grateful you’re in my life from afar …


  6. Happy 8 year blog-iversary, friend! I’m so grateful you’re here and so grateful for the hope in Christ you share. Your words and friendship bless me so much – and I loved meeting you in person!! Here’s to next time, and many more years of your blog. Congrats on the advent anthology contribution!


  7. Happy 8 year blogaversary, Lesley! (I wonder what the average lifespan is for a blog; I’d guess much shorter than 8 years. lol…I just looked it up; most bloggers quit in less than 2 years.) One of the benefits of blogging for me is how it helps me sort out my own thoughts. Sometimes I’m not sure what I even want to say until I start writing. Keep up your good work!


  8. Lesley, I am so glad you began blogging! You have such wisdom and an authentic way of sharing truth and sharing your story. I think some of the things I’ve loved in my blogging journey have been the people I’ve met both online and in person, discovering more of my voice, writing to deadlines, and the things God teaches me when I sit down to write.


  9. Happy anniversary! Eight years blogging is definitely worth celebrating, Leslie! I agree with your eight benefits of blogging, and I appreciate you articulating them as it helped me process my three-year journey in blogging.


  10. Congratulations Lesley on your perseverance to keep your blog going! I enjoy many of the benefits of blogging you mention, especially connecting with other writers. I also appreciate the discovery process of writing posts. SO often as I begin, the first bits seem blah! But as I continue to write and pray, and pray and write, God helps me discover what’s missing, what needs to be tweaked or added to improve the post. It’s exciting to realize I’m working with GOD!


  11. Congratulations on 8 years of blogging. You have done a good job with your blog too. Mine has been small with little growth over the many years I’ve blogged. I do enjoy it though for the reasons you have mentioned. I had a wonderful surprise recently. A blogger commented on an old post (2015) I’d written about our mom. It was so nice it was enjoyed, and I re-read it and thought of Mom.


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