Hope When It Hurts {Giveaway}

Hope when it hurts
Life hurts.  Let’s just be honest about that.

Physical or mental illness, past hurts, relationship struggles, financial difficulties, the loss of someone close to us…  The list goes on, and I’m sure we have all experienced pain in one way or another.

Yet, even in the midst of the pain, there is hope.

That is something I have personally experienced and long to share with others, so when I heard about the release of this book: Hope When It Hurts by Kristen Wetherell and Sarah Walton, I jumped at the chance to be part of the launch team.

Hope When It Hurts consists of 30 devotional readings, exploring God’s presence and purpose in our suffering, giving hope and encouragement.  Each chapter includes reflection questions, a short prayer and a list of Bible passages for further meditation on the topic.

I found it to be encouraging, challenging and thought-provoking.  It is balanced and realistic.  It never promises, “Come to Jesus and everything will be okay.”  The book is honest about the reality and pain of suffering, never undermining it or brushing it aside, but it is also filled with encouragement to hold to hope in Christ in the midst of it and to trust that God can work in us through our times of pain.  The authors share some of their own experiences, and it is clear that they have lived (and are living) the message they share.

To whet your appetite, here are a few of my favourite quotes from the book:

  • “Because of the light of Jesus Christ shining into our hearts, eternal darkness has been defeated and our present darkness is being transformed.”
  • “The Father crushed his Son so that we would never be crushed by sin and death.”
  • “You can know that your trials are not expressions of God’s anger, because all of it was poured out on Jesus.  There is no wrath left for those whose sins were borne on the cross.”
  • “There is a glorious treasure to be found when the pain of this world drives us to Jesus, and it is of far greater worth than any earthly relief.”
  • “If you have trusted Christ to save your soul… suffering will not lead you to hopelessness, but to the God of hope.  It will not lead your faith to be shattered, but to an unshakeable hope that is founded on the immovable Rock: Christ Jesus.”

Truthfully, I highlighted passages on almost every page, and there are several sections I want to return to for further reflection.  I think this book will provide real hope and comfort to people walking through difficult times.

You can find out more at The Good Book Company’s website. (UK page, US page)
The introduction and the first chapter are available as a sample, and there are also four bonus chapters available for free download, which will give you a taste of what the book is like.

I’m also giving away a copy of the book to one lucky winner.  To be entered into the draw, please comment below, and I’ll choose a winner on Monday 24th April.

I’d love if you would share how you have known hope in a time of hurt (e.g. share a Bible verse that has helped you or a way that God has encouraged you.)

Here are some of my posts related to finding hope in God in painful times:

I look forward to reading some of your insights.  Let’s rejoice together in the amazing hope we have in Jesus, even in the midst of the hurt!

I received a complimentary advance copy of this book from The Good Book Company in exchange for an honest review.

       Crystal Twaddell      Grace & Truth : A Weekly Christian Link Up    Dance With Jesuslmml-button-2





30 thoughts on “Hope When It Hurts {Giveaway}

  1. Pain of my 7 year old child having cancer. In the very beginning of the journey of healing, God whispered a Word of hope, “There the child grew up healthy and strong. He was filled with wisdom, and God’s favor was on him.” ‭Luke‬ ‭2:40‬ ‭NLT‬‬

    Now, I knew this verse was speaking of Jesus. But my prayer was, “God, please don’t let my son die. He is first Your son, and you have loaned him to me. As Abraham offered Isaac, I offer you Kevin.” My little boy went through 2 and a half years of Chemo. It was an amazing experience. With every treatment I’d pray, “Let this chemo go in and kill this cancer without any other side effects.”

    God heard and answered my prayers. I can testify that God’s Hope walked with us through this time. Without exaggeration, Kevin never got sick. As a matter of fact, he would take a weekend of treatments and go back to school and play with his classmates. He is almost 33 and living his life with Jesus at the center. He’s teaching Bibles studies to men at a Adult/Teen Challenge facility in Louisiana.

    All Glory to my Savior. This story is only one of many in my 31 Days Joy Stories.

    Living in His Joy!
    Eva Sonnier

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much for sharing this beautiful testimony, Eva. That must have been such a difficult and painful journey but I love that you knew God with you, giving you hope. I’m glad your son was healed and that he is doing so well. I’m sure your story will encourage many others in their struggles.


  2. Please delete the first comment I sent in your comment box. There is a typo in the word “Bible.” I couldn’t correct it after it was sent. Sorry. I reposted it with the correction.

    Sent from my iPhone


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  3. Looks like a good book, Lesley. Thanks for sharing a review. — A verse that’s meaningful to me when I need to remember hope is 2 Chron. 20:12b “…We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.” What a blessing that our hope isn’t found in the things we know or can figure out, but in the One who has the power to effect them. PTL. 🙂 Happy Easter, Lesley. ((xoxo))

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Brenda. I love that. It is reassuring that when we don’t know what to do or how to find the way forward we can turn to God. Happy Easter to you too!


  4. I would love to read this devotional!! I have been through quite a lot of trials (as most everyone has), a childhood trauma not dealt with til adulthood, near-death health problems and my father’s recent and unexpected death. However I have hope because I have a Redeemer!! One of my favorite scriptures in times when I need a “hope refresher” is Psalm 27:14, “Wait for the LORD, be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the LORD.”
    Blessings! And thanks for the chance to win this devo.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Anna. I’m sorry for the hard things you’ve been through and especially the recent loss of your father. Praying that you know God’s presence and comfort and continue finding hope in him. I love the verse you shared.


  5. Yes, life does hurt. Everyone experiences it one way or another. So glad this is true: “Yet, even in the midst of the pain, there is hope.” Thanks for sharing about this new book. It sounds encouraging.

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  6. I honestly don’t know any specific passages to write here. I don’t read the Bible like I should, but I have been going to church, and dealing with my past trauma has made me a listen in church in ways I never did before. It’s like having a fresh perspective, even though that fresh perspective originated from a place of extreme discomfort. I’d say the main message that I am taking from church now is how Jesus never chose to spend time with the “good” people. When he came to town, he chose to dine with the marginalized… The people who felt unworthy, unloved, marginalized…outcasts. If He was on Earth last year, I’m pretty sure he would have pulled a seat right next to me at my kitchen table…and I’m sure I would have felt guilty and unworthy about it. Now that I’ve gotten through the majority of those shameful feelings, I am applying that message to people I encounter, especially through my work as a nurse. It’s a pretty special experience that is difficult to put into words, but something I am so grateful to have.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No worries- sharing a Bible verse was just a suggestion. I love your comment that Jesus noticed and cared for the marginalised and the outcasts and that he showed people who felt unworthy how much they mattered to him.
      I’m so glad you’ve known his comfort and that you’re sharing it with others. 2 Corinthians 1:4 says “He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.” I love reading your stories of how you live that out with your patients.


  7. Thank you for offering a free copy of this book, Lesley. It sounds like a great devotional. I love it when authors don’t minimize or brush aside pain and suffering and also encourage us to hold onto the hope there is in Christ in the midst of it. God has often used Romans 8:1 and Romans 8:37-39 to give me hope and encouragement. I pray you have a hope-filled Easter! Love and hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think you’d like the book. I love how you share of the hope you’ve found in God throughout your mom’s illness, and I love that verse too.


  8. It is so good to have God’s Word to tether my faith and to keep me from drifting away. Without His Word in my heart, I would be empty and drifting away to worldly ways. In Matthew 6:33, it says that I need to”keep seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all other things will be added to me.” This verse helps me focus on Jesus and fills my empty vessel with His life and love.

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  9. Such a wonderful post! Life is hard but we can have hope in the midst. I lost my brother two years ago to a tragic incident. He was an nonbeliever, which left me devastated. There’s such a finality about death when the one you lose doesn’t believe. God had heavily laid him on my heart for years and I truly believed He would change and be healed. So, when things ended completely opposite, I struggled with the why, the pain, the regret, etc. During it all, Psalm 119:105 was my verse. Even in the midst of the darkest times, His word will give you just enough light for your next step. When you can’t see your hand in front of your face because of the darkness, His light will illuminate your path. He is our hope, our light, our strength!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for sharing, Esther. I’m so sorry about what happened to your brother. That must have been incredibly painful. So glad you knew God with you, giving you light and hope.


  10. This looks like an amazing book. I am adding it to my book list. For me my go to verse is
    Be Still And Know That I Am God Psalms 46:10. I tend to go into fix-it mode minute I am hit with trouble. I need to stop and know that he is in control, not me. I need to give it all to him.

    In walking through mental health challenges with my family I have found this verse to be such a comfort.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Maree. That verse is a great reminder to depend on God rather than ourselves. I also find it easy to go into fix-it mode when instead I need to stop and trust.


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