
This post is written to link with Five Minute Friday: write for five minutes on a one-word prompt. The prompt today is “someday.”

It’s very easy to have good intentions of things I will do someday.

Someday I will have proper clear-out.
Someday I will learn to play guitar.
Someday I will travel to Italy.
Someday I will write a book.

But what if “someday” never comes…

Today is my birthday, and, for various reasons, it’s a day that tends to produce more angst than joy. (Maybe someday that will be different…)

It scares me how quickly time seems to fly, but it also provides an important reminder that if I really want to do these things (or the many others that come to mind) someday, I’d better get on with it.

Dreams are great, but I am fully aware that I want to accomplish way more than I’ll ever have time to do.

I am also aware that I have exactly enough time to accomplish all that God wants me to do, so maybe instead of dreaming of “someday,” I should be seeking him for today and what he wants me to do now.

(This song has no particular link to the post, but of course it came to mind when I saw the prompt!)

13 thoughts on “Someday…

  1. Happy birthday Lesley! From a guitar-playing “chucker-outer” who’s been to Italy and written some books, I’m sure you’ll achieve all your goals in the fullness of time.


  2. Happy birthday! I know what you mean–time seems to be passing faster every year, and there is so much I’d like to accomplish while I can. But I appreciate the reminder that my days are in His hands and I have time to accomplish what He wants me to.


  3. Happy birthday! Good thoughts. I feel the same … the list of want to, the wishes, the goals … God willing He can pick out the next one on the list! Blessings on your special day. (FMF#2)


  4. I’d once thought that my travels

    would validate my days,

    but as my life unravels 

    and dreams vanish in the haze

    that there is far more to explore

    upon this patch of desert sand

    that I had chosen to ignore

    than I can ever understand.

    The lizards seek each bit of shade

    that stunted sage provides 

    while the sun’s compelling blade

    makes Hades of the ground beside,

    encouragement to be quite fleet 

    so they do not burn their feet.


  5. Happy Belated Birthday, Lesley. At first I thought I wrote this post 🙂 your thoughts mirror mine in many ways. ‘Someday’, I think to myself, “my garden will look in reality the way it looks in my mind!”


  6. Belated Happy Birthday!

    Loved “I have exactly enough time to accomplish all that God wants me to do.”


  7. Hope you had a wonderful birthday Leslie! I too, am trying to focus on what God has for me to do now. I love your thought that we have exactly enough time to do what He wants us to accomplish!


  8. Happy belated birthday, friend! Still looking back with such joy on seeing you recently – though I’m still sad I forgot to get a photo. I’m grateful for you and for this reminder to get on with things but also to know the Lord gives us exactly the time we need to do what He calls us to. That’s a relief to me today. Thanks!


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