Remember His Faithfulness


I’m keeping today’s post simple.  As I think back over the last few days, I’m reminded of the importance of recognising and remembering God’s faithfulness, encouraging one another with stories of where we’ve seen it in action and pausing to give thanks.

After God had opened up the Jordan River to allow Joshua to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land, Joshua called together twelve men- one from each of the tribes of Israel- and gave them some instructions:

“Go into the middle of the Jordan, in front of the Ark of the Lord your God.  Each of you must pick up one stone and carry it out on your shoulder- twelve stones in all, one for each of the twelve tribes of Israel.  We will use these stones to build a memorial.  In the future, your children will ask you, “What do these stones mean?”  Then you can tell them, “They remind us that the River Jordan stopped flowing when the Ark of the Lord’s Covenant went across.”  These stones will stand as a memorial among the people of Israel forever.”  (Joshua 4:5-7 NLT)

I love the idea of a visual reminder.  I know that despite the many times I have seen God display his power and his faithfulness, I can be quick to forget- distracted by problems in the present and worries about the future, instead of trusting in the faithfulness I’ve seen in the past.

So today I’m pausing to pile up some stones of remembrance.  I hope you’ll join me.

Here are three stones just from this weekend:

A friend whose life has been completely turned around.  Four years ago, he was lost and without hope, homeless, and trapped in addiction.  Now he is clean and sober, he has found hope and life in Jesus, and this weekend I was privileged to attend his wedding.  It was a wonderful day full of love, joy, and hope, and an amazing testimony to the transformation God can bring.

Joining in the wedding celebration with my church family.  Another transformation, not quite as dramatic as the one mentioned above, but still amazing!  When I think that two years ago I felt on the edge of church, struggling to fit in and not really feeling welcome, it amazes me to see how things have changed- how the new and unexpected journey God has taken me on over these last eighteen months or so has helped me to find my place and to feel I belong with these people.

Witnessing transformation in our community.  This Sunday we started a new series using the Alpha Course material as part of our church service and invited various people who don’t usually attend church.  It was encouraging to see several of them show up and to witness their interest and enthusiasm to learn and discuss.  It feels like God is at work in our community and it will be exciting to see how this develops over the next couple of months.

What about you?  What stones can you add to the pile?
Where have you seen God’s faithfulness or transforming power?

Let’s build up a virtual pile of stones right here in the comments to remember where we’ve seen God at work!           glimpses

   The Mom Gene




29 thoughts on “Remember His Faithfulness

  1. I love this story and light a candle whenever I begin to write a new series – reminding me of God’s help and leading EVERY TIME in the past that He’s helped me. We are a forgetful species!

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  2. Hi Lesley! I absolutely agree about physical things leading to inner things. We all are such visual and aural people, and I think God uses all of that to lead us to him.
    What a joyful thing to read that you feel so connected to your faith family! I remember reading your posts in the past about feeling so disconnected. You must really feel loved now! God heard you and answered you too 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. In November, Lyli Dunbar mentioned her church had everyone write how God blessed them that year on a rock. She and her husband decided to look back over their marriage and start a collection with one rock blessing per year of their marriage. Last week was Van and my 41st anniversary. I didn’t do the rocks, but I did buy paper hearts and wrote the year on one side and a blessing from that year on the other. Some years there were multiple blessings. I have to admit there are about 5 years I couldn’t think of a specific blessing for that year and I continue to try and remember (I need to go through the boxes of pictures in the garage!) It was a wonderful reminder of how God is constantly faithful in every part of our lives.

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  4. What sweet stones to remember! So glad with you, Lesley! 🙂
    (Joshua 3-4 is a favorite passage of mine!)

    I’ll toss on the stone that today I’m sitting waiting for a moving truck to arrive after 3 years of unexpected “detour” and conviction about waiting on the Lord for what’s “next” It seems “next” is “now.” May it be to His glory! Thanks for praying, friend!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I love this visual, Lesley. Years ago when I wrote a book about infertility, I titled the introduction “My Pile of Stones.” As you might guess, the book (for me) was a testament to God’s faithfulness and how He lovingly brought me and my husband through this wilderness in our lives. What’s great about these piles is that they stay solid through the years, just like God’s faithfulness in our lives! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Recording your story in a book is a great way to remember God’s faithfulness, and I’m sure it is also a great encouragement to others. It’s great that we have these solid unchanging reminders to hold to when our present situations are difficult.


  6. LOVE! I actually keep a bowl of rocks (of remembrance) in our home. I’ve written in sharpie on each one some thing God has done so we don’t forget! They’re great conversation starters!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. This post and your graphic of the stones are SO encouraging. I have a memorial stone to add too: we had a LOVELy 10 day Christmas holiday when my college son came home, all the more sweet since we hadn’t seen him in a year. His August visit had been pre-empted by a hurricane, so our time together this time was precious.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Love the pile of stones. When I was on vacation a year ago, I was walking on a trail and found multiple displays of stones such as the one you shared. The image made me think of God but not quite as you see it. That is the beauty of God.

    The stones I would add are the honor of praying for friends going through difficult times, hearing from God so distinctly in church on Sunday and discipling a group of ladies each week.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Mary! I love how God can speak to us in different ways through the same thing. Thanks for sharing some of your examples too- it’s encouraging to read of the many different ways God has been at work!


  9. I love this reminder, Lesley. Yesterday on my birthday, I was thinking back over all the troubles I came through in this life because of the faithfulness of God. It came to my mind how Samuel set up a stone and named it Ebenezer, and with him, I had to thank God that thus far He has helped me. God is still good! Thank you for this encouragement! Love and hugs to you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Trudy! Yes, it is encouraging to remember God’s faithfulness even in the hard times and the difficult times he has helped us through. It’s important to pause from time to time to remember and thank God. Happy belated birthday! I hope you had a lovely time!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Wow! Sounds like some exciting God things have been happening at your church!

    It is nice to have visual reminders, as well as oral ones. I think that is why printables are so popular now. We enjoy those visual reminders.

    One stone I can add to the pile. My sister-in-law was on death’s door and my husband intervened and took her to Mayo Clinic for two weeks and they were finally able to figure out what was wrong with her. She is now back to her old self and full of hope. God does still perform miracles.

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  11. Lesley, I so appreciate this post. Reading the stories you shared touched my heart. I love when God works in unexpected, miraculous ways.

    We do need to remember the good works God is doing. The stone I will add is the softening of a loved one’s heart. Our relationship has been difficult since the beginning. But, God is softening hearts and the time we spent with this person recently was much less stressful than in past years.

    I think I need to begin something in our home like the rocks in a bowl idea. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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