What If…?

This post is written to link with Five Minute Friday: write for five minutes on a one-word prompt.  The prompt today is “if.”  Also sharing with the Blogger Voices Network.

Hiker on Trolltunga with arms wide open

The questions torment me… spinning round and round inside my mind:

What if people judge me?

What if they laugh at me?

What if I try and fail?

What if I’m rejected?

What if I’m not good enough?

What if I’ve heard God wrong?

What if this is all a big mistake?

If I listen to them for too long, I’ll give in to fear, lock myself away, play it safe, keep quiet.

But then I hear another voice, whispering through the turmoil- the voice of hope- presenting another set of questions:

What if God can use this?

What if God is calling you?

What if this makes a difference, even for a few people?

What if this will bring new freedom- for you and for others?

What if God has a purpose in this that is bigger than you can see right now?

What if you let fear hold you back from what God is calling you to do?

What if you trust him?

There’s only one way to find out…

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32 thoughts on “What If…?

  1. I find it so easy to be consumed with the what if’s. The only thing that I keep coming back to is He’s never failed me yet, so why would He now? 🙂


  2. I really appreciate your thoughts here, Lesley. Next week I am meeting someone for what I think will be a very difficult conversation, and my mind is full of what ifs: “What if our conversation just makes things worse? What if she still doesn’t listen? What if …” I know it’s a necessary meeting but I also feel fearful about it. But I also know God will be with me — AND with her, I believe — in this conversation, so I will go ahead with hope, trusting Him for the outcome. Thank you for your encouraging words.

    Jeannie (#42 in the linkup this week)


  3. Leslie we were on the same path this week, saying the same things only mine is a poem. Love this! It’s all in the perspective isn’t it?


  4. Oh! I needed this reminder today! Some times I feel as if I don’t do enough, say enough, care enough, love enough. But that’s so much better than doing nothing, keeping quiet, caring as much as I can and loving as much as I can!


  5. Yes, those tormenting questions try to derail us, but oh what power in the latter questions! Thank you for encouraging us to step out and ask the right “what if” questions, and I love the song by Nichole Nordeman! Thanks for linking with #BVN!


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